Almost two years ago, Émilie Morneau-Guérin experienced the joy of becoming a mother, and the anguish of finding out that her son Éli, then three-months old, had Kawasaki syndrome, a serious heart disease. It was a true race against time to prevent an aneurism rupture. Luckily, the necessary product was available.

Immunoglobulin preparations were the product in question. Immunoglobulins are proteins found in plasma. They are mainly used in the treatment of certain blood cancers or diseases affecting the immune system. They were administered to Éli intravenously.

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Lili-Anne, our 10-year-old daughter, and Louis, our 6-year-old son, have each received more than 200 transfusions. They suffer from an immune deficiency and will require transfusions for the rest of their lives because they don’t produce enough antibodies on their own to fight infection. Plasma donations make a big difference in their quality of life every single day.

Being a parent of sick children means being there for them and providing them with love and support. We feel very lucky that donors like you are there for us.

To all the plasma donors out there, thank you for caring about our children and everyone else who counts on you. You are wonderful!

Heidi Labrecque and Patrick Tellier,
Lili-Anne and Louis’s parents

“By the time I was three, I had already undergone numerous examinations and been hospitalized several times, when the hematology and immunology team at Sainte-Justine Hospital diagnosed my condition as immunodeficiency with cyclic neutropenia.

“I immediately began receiving gamma globulin transfusions every four weeks and have had a total of 46 transfusions to date. Thanks to your blood donations, my quality of life has improved greatly.

“That’s why I count on you… to give the gift of life!”


Jean-François needs more than 100 donations per year in order to follow his dreams.

"Throughout my childhood, I dreamed of playing professional hockey with the National Hockey League!

At the age of 18, an accomplished athlete, my life changed dramatically when I was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer. I decided to fight to restore my health. I've received numerous transfusions and several treatments and I'm finally in remission. However, I have to receive gamma globulins from plasma donations regularly, and for the rest of my life.

Thanks to all of the plasma donors who enable me to live my life to the fullest."
